The Effect of Brand Awareness Sales Promotion Product Quality on Trust and Interest in Buying Low Cost Green Cars Brand Daihatsu Ayla in the City of Surabaya


  • Muhammad Nasrullah Departement of Management, Narotama University, Indonesia
  • I Gede Arimbawa Departement of Management, Narotama University, Indonesia


Brand Awareness, Buying Interest, Product Quality, Sales Promotion, Trust


Purpose:.  This study aims to analyze the influence of brand awareness, sales promotion, product quality on the trust and interest in buying Low Cost Green Car Daihatsu Ayla brand in the city of Surabaya.

Research design/metedology: This study was conducted to analyze the presence or absence of relationships between independent and dependent variables. Therefore, researchers use quantitative methods using objective measurements and mathematical analysis. The data analysis technique in this study used Partisl Least Square (PLS). The population of dal am this study is Surbaya residents who are interested in buying a Low Cost Green Car Daihatsu Ayla car in Surabaya as many as 100 people or respondents.

Findings  : The results of this study found that the Brand Awareness variable has no effect on Trust, the  Brand Awareness variable has no effect on  Buying Interest, the sales promotion variable has an effect on  Trust  , variable sales promotion has an   effect on  the  buying interest variable  , product quality   variables affect  trust,  product quality does not affect buying interest   , and trust variables do not affect buying     interest.   The results of this study also suggestthat  the  indirect influence of the variables of brand awareness, sales promotion, and production quality through trust variables does not affect the buying interest in environmentally friendly cars or Low Cost Green Car brand Daihatsu Ayla in the city of Surabaya 

Limitations / Research implications: This research was  only conducted in the surabaya city area, so the results of this  study  cannot be realized or applied in general, therefore the next research to further expand the scope of  the research area to the  provincial or national level, in addition to   the research on mobil  Low Cost Green Car or environmentally friendly car not only on  one particular brand, and by using other free  variables.


