The Effect of Brand Image, Price, and Product Quality on the Purchase Decision of a Xiaomi Smartphone
(Study on Surabaya Students)
Brand Image, Promotion, Purchase DecisionAbstract
In the era of global competition and current technological developments, human needs have rapidly increased. One of the advances in communication technology that has increased in recent years is the use of smartphones or smartphones. ]Indonesia is one of the largest potential markets. Smartphone sales, including the increasing demand for the smartphone category, are very high. Several smartphone brand companies that are spread and compete in Indonesia include Oppo, Samsung, Apple, Realme, Xiaomi, Vivo, and many more. Business competition in the smartphone space is very tight; vendors do many things to attract consumers. one of them is Xiaomi, a well-known brand from China that is known by the Indonesian people for affordable prices and quality products. The focus of this research is to measure and test the influence of brand image, price, and product quality on purchasing decisions of Xiaomi smartphones in Surabaya students. Collecting data for this study, the authors used an online survey (google form) to 100 respondents, using accidental sampling. The type of research used in this study is a quantitative research type using multiple linear analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the price (X2) does not affect the purchasing decision variable (Y), shown with a significance value of 0.399 > 0.05. There is a significant positive effect on the brand image (X1) and product quality (X3) on purchasing decisions (Y). There is a positive and significant influence between brand image, price, and product quality variables on purchasing decision variables. (Y). This can be shown by the partial significance of brand image variables to purchasing decisions 0.000 < 0.05, product quality to purchasing decisions 0.0 15 < 0.05. While the significance value simultaneously shows